Title Public relations in global cultural contexts : multi-paradigmatic perspectives / edited by Nilanjana Bardhan,C. Kay Weaver.
Published New York : Routledge, 2011
Detail xiv, 295 p. ; 24 cm
Abstract While public relations practice has become increasingly globalized, scholars are still behind in theorizing aboutthe intersections of culture, communication, and power atthis level of practice. This volume emphasizes theoriesand concepts that highlight global interconnectednessthrough a range of interpretative and critical approachesto understanding the global significance and impacts ofpublic relations. --
  Providing a critical examination of public relations' contribution to globalization and international powerrelations, the chapters included here explore alternativeparadigms, most notably interpretive and criticalperspectives informed by qualitative research. The volumeencourages alternative 'ways of knowing' that overcome theshortcomings of positivist epistemologies. The editorsinclude multiple paradigmatic approaches for a morecomplex understanding of the subject matter, making avaluable contribution toward widening the philosophicalscope of public relations scholarship. --
  This book will serve well as a core text in classes in international public relations, global public relations,and advanced strategic public relations. Students as wellas practitioners of public relations will benefit fromreading the perspectives included here. --Book Jacket
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