Title Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries Hardcover – July 11, 2018 / Georg Ruppelt.
Author Georg Ruppelt
Published Cologne, Germany : Taschen GmbH, 2018
Edition พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 1
Detail 560 หน้า : ภาพประกอบสี; 290 x 395 x 78.74 มม
Abstract From the mighty halls of ancient Alexandria to the coffered ceilings of the Morgan Library in New York, human beings have had a long, enraptured relationship with libraries. Like no other concept and like no other space, the collection of knowledge, learning, and imagination offers a sense of infinite possibility. It's the unrivaled realm of discovery, where every faded manuscript or mighty clothbound tome might reveal a provocative new idea, a far-flung fantasy, an ancient belief, a religious conviction, or a whole new way of being in the world
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