Title Pocket Park Design.
Author Bruce, Angus
Published China : Toppan Leefung Printing ltd, 2018
Edition พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2
Detail 197 หน้า : ภาพประกอบ(สี) ; c30x25 ซม
Abstract Urban planners have paid more attention to the concept of the pocket park as modern cities become denser and buildings taller. As the pace of urbanisation accelerates and populations increase, particularly in larger cities, there becomes much less park space available for people to enjoy. With less investment and area required, 'Pocket Parks' could provide a solution. They fulfil the need for highly sought-after leisure spaces, which can operate in high-density city environments, bypassing the hurdle of space. These beautiful green areas increase the ecological benefits of the urban environment, helping to enrich and satisfy the local residents' lives. Pocket Park Design introduces the outstanding landscape architects and designers who create pocket parks
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