Title Digital access and museums as platforms / Caroline Wilson-Barnao.
Author Wilson-Barnao, Caroline, author
Published Abingdon, Oxon ;New York : Routledge, 2022
Edition 1st Edition
Detail 96 pages : illustrations ; 15x23 cm
Abstract "Digital Access and Museums as Platforms draws on interviews with museum practitioners, along with a range of case studies from public and private institutions, in order to investigate the tensions and benefits involved in making cultural collections available using digital technologies. Taking a media and critical studies approach to the museum and raising questions about the role of privately-owned search engines in facilitating museum experiences, the book questions who collects what, for whom objects are collected and what purpose these objects and collections serve. Connecting fieldwork undertaken in Australia and New Zealand with the global practices of technology companies, Wilson-Barnao brings attention to an emerging new model of digital ownership and moderation. Considering the synergising of these institutions with media systems, which are now playing a more prominent role in facilitating access to culture, the book also explores the motivations of different cultural workers for constructing the museum as a mediatised location. Digital Access and Museums as Platforms will be of interest toacademics and students working in the fields of museum studies, art, culture, media studies and digital humanities. Weighing in on conversations about how technologies are being incorporated into museums, the book should also be useful to practitioners working in museums and galleries around the world" -- Provided by publisher
Source Types Book
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