Title The architectural heritage of Sri Lanka : measured drawings by the Anjalendran Studio / C. Anjalendran ;texts by David Robson ; photography by Dominic Sansoni ;foreword by Michael Ondaatje.
Author Anjalendran, C., author
Detail 235 pages : illustrations (some colour), maps ; 29 cm
Abstract Architect C. Anjalendran, aided by an army of assistants and students, has been recording Sri Lanka's architecturalheritage for almost 30 years. The result is a collectionof exquisite measured drawings, all made with ink andpencil on tracing paper documenting many interesting andoften neglected buildings in Sri Lanka. This book featuresthese, along with photographs and insightful text, tohighlight a broad cross-section of buildings of manydifferent types and from many periods from the ancientclassical era of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, frommedieval times, from the colonial period and from theyears after Sri Lanka regained its Independence in 1948.The book continues the work of Barbara Sansoni who startedto record ancient buildings of Sri Lanka during the early1950s
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