Title Bricks now & then : the oldest man-made building material / Chris van Uffelen.
Author Uffelen, Chris van, author
Edition 1st edition
Detail 223 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm
Abstract In this volume, historical and contemporary brick edificesare featured showing the wide range of possibleapplications and design possibilities. The use andpopularity of this building material has not feigned onebit over the millennia, and is even gaining evenpopularity today. Bricks are the only non-natural buildingmaterial that can look back at several thousand years ofhistory. And as Mies van der Rhohe stated: "Architecturestarts when you carefully put two bricks together. Thereit begins". Buildings made of this fabric from verydifferent epochs and cultures all over the world arealways astonishing, and the world's best architects haveexplored the qualities of brickwork. A key characteristicfor its success has always been easy planning through thestandardisation of production and the resulting harmonisedconstruction process. Amazing constructive qualities,inexpensive and at the same time environmentally friendlyproduction as well as its longevity are among thequalities that are particularly valued today. In thisvolume, historical and contemporary brick edifices arefeatured showing the wide range of possible applicationsand design possibilities
Source Types Book
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