Title The Valley 1988-2017 Pierre de Vallombreuse.
Author Pierre de Vallombreuse
Published Philippines :Alliance Francaise de Manille In collaboration with National Museum 2017
Detail 71p. :ill. ;18.1x24.5 cm
Abstract The project of The Valley Photographic Exhibition by French photographer Pierre de Vallombreuse marks the return of the National Museum to the study of the Tau't Batu in Palawan that began in 1977. After 1978 and the declaration of the Tau't Batu petroglyph as National Cultural Treasure, interest in the area waned. A revival of our concern happened during the preparation for this project and our Ethnology Division researchers Lyn Liza Silva and Allan Alvarez accompanied Mr. Vallombreuse in 2016. They are leading the research on the Tau't Batu that will serve to enhance this exhibition project and revisit the ethnography articulated in the publication Tou't Batu Studies (1983) edited by former National Museum Assistant Director and anthropologist Dr. Jesus Peralta
Source Types Book
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