Title Allan Sekula : ship of fools / the dockers' museum / edited by Hilde Van Gelder.
Detail 239 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
Abstract This is the project on which the North American artist andwriter Allan Sekula worked during the last three years ofhis life (2010-2013). The work consists, first, of acorpus of thirty-three framed photographs and two slideprojections of in total over one hundred images, all madeby the artist (Ship of Fools); second, it contains agigantic collection of various objects, graphic images,postcards, and prints which the artist purchased, mostlyonline (The Dockers' Museum). Sekula dedicated this workto both historical and contemporary labor solidarity inand around the docks. At the time of his sad passing inthe Summer of 2013, Allan Sekula was in the midst ofcollaborating on this publication with all fourcontributing authors: Gail Day, Steve Edwards, AlbertoToscano, and Hilde Van Gelder, each of whom he had askedto write essays. This volume, which includes arepresentative ensemble of images and objects that arepart of Ship of Fools / The Dockers' Museum, follows asclosely as possible the instructions given by the artistand is the first substantial scholarly analysis of thisimpressive project. It contains a preface by Jürgen Bockand Bart De Baere, who both curated exhibitedinstallations of the work during the artist's lifetime.The volume also includes draft text materials written bythe artist himself, as well as selections from themultitude of unpublished interviews, public debates, andlectures that Allan Sekula delivered between 2010 and2012. Finally, this publication includes a moving essay onthe project by the artist's widow, Sally Stein
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